Sunday, July 27, 2008

We're Home!

Well, we have actually been home since Friday but we have been in a daze b/c we are all sooo tired! Those of you who know me know that I'm not a nap person, but, I even have taken a couple of naps! Crazy I know! Well, this post is going to be lots of pictures and little exlanation! First of all, we had a blast and Aunt Pam and Uncle Richard spoiled us to death! We saw lots of this and Bryson took everything in stride! It was a really great trip! So, I will now get to the good part...the pictures!

Washington Monument
We had to take a Picture here!
At the national zoo, petting a cow!
At the airport on the way home!
At the national zoo, there is a panda way in the back! Bryson kept calling it a puppy!

Chesapeake Bay! Matthew relaxing in the hammock.
Bryson having fun on the plane.
Changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The capitol.
At Arlington National Cemetery.


Amy Fletcher said...

Looks like ya'll had so much fun! I've never been to Washington but man I want to go! Bryson is getting so big and he's such a cutie! I just love his big blue eyes!

Bethany said...

Hey, looks like it was a great trip!!! I'm glad the plane tripe went well- ours really did too! Now I've gotta get all my pics on here...