Friday, January 9, 2009

Potty Training 101!

Wow! What a crazy couple of weeks we have had!! Since I posted last, we have been to Oklahoma and back, finished two sets of antibiotics (Matthew and Bryson both had sinus infections), started school and starting potty training! Crazy, Crazy, Crazy! But you know...for the most part it has all been great! (Well except the getting up early again to go to school!) Matthew and I decided that we were going to start working with Bryson hardcore over the Christmas break on potty training because we would both be home and could set a good routine and schedule that would hopefully help it go smoother! Being that Bryson is our first child to potty train I have been all ears for advice for the last several months and we have utilized most of what we have heard...well except the part about letting your kid carry their toilet all over the house to find a place to go...that grosses me out! The biggest thing that we decided a long time ago was NO pull-ups! I'm not really big on them b/c they are just diapers and I just think it takes kids longer to realize that they are not supossed to be going in their pants when they can't feel it. Sooo, we have been using cloth training pants which are a little bit thicker than underwear but boy can he feel it when he has an accident! Pretty much the only time we have been using a pull-up is for sleep. So here we are less than 2 weeks from day one and he usually only has one accident a day which of course is poop...but who cares...the rest of the day he is accident free and loves to go pee in the big potty. And the best part about it is that he has been on the one accident thing for almost a whole week! It is awesome! I just love watching how excited he gets when he is successful at something and he is only 2! What am I going to do as he gets older?!?! Anyway...YAY FOR BRYSON!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

That is awesome!!!! Go Bryson! I'm totally calling you when its Charlie's time for that... :)